

10 ans de projets d’architecture de 2PM A, représentés selon leurs données spatio-temporelles.

2pma is a french creative Architectural agency founded in 2010 by Paul Rolland, Matthieu Bergeret and myself. This visual concept is a tribute to honour its 10th anniversary of the company.

It shows a list of every projects 2pma worked on during that span of time spatiotemporally.

The left pannel of the diptych displays the distance of each project from the offices of the agency in Bordeaux. The right pannel displays the same list of projects by architecural categories such as : workshop, urbanism, collective housing etc.

This work is to be published in 2pma’s limited edition anniversary book designed by Nicolas Delbourg a great friend of the agency.

You can visit 2pma website and follow us on instagram.

Primary Matter


Nos itinéraires cartographient notre mobilité. Malgré nous et sans notre accord ils dessinent continuellement des formes graphiques tout à fait uniques, propres à chacun d'entre nous, qui représentent de manière abstraite notre ADN de mouvement.
